Practice Makes Perfect…Even In Summer!

Summer is such a fantastic time of year! Sunshine, vacation warm weather—huzzah! However, all of this time off can sometimes lead to learning loss when it comes to music lessons. There are ways you can keep up with the progress you’ve made while still enjoying a summer break. Read on!

Summer is supposed to be a time to rest and relax. However, it often isn’t—many times there are suddenly loads of commitments (fun and otherwise) that over schedule designated “off-time.” Summer jobs, internships, camps, vacations, activities: it all adds up! Especially as kids move into the high school years, summer can become much more full. I remember spending weeks at a time at marching band camps both in high school and college! Plus, there are sports summer conditioning events, travel, and all sorts of other things that take up lots of time. These things are all important and can be huge influences on a student’s life and even eventual career. However, before digging further into my strategies to combat learning loss I do want to point out that I believe the most important thing one can do over the summer is rest and recover. Burnout is something that starts younger and younger as we push ourselves to be better, faster, stronger, smarter, more productive, more successful, etc. By doing this, I think we miss out on the precious space summer (or any time off for that matter) gives us to truly set things down and focus on taking care of ourselves. Before adding more to your already insane summer schedule, check in with yourself and make sure that YOU are doing ok first! Once you are rested, relaxed, recovered, and ready—then you can put some of these ideas in place to make sure your hard musical work over the academic year stays in place!

The first suggestion I would make to any one hoping to maintain habits over a long stretch of summer is to keep a routine. It can be very hard to do with a schedule that isn’t necessarily consistent or predictable. However, plan ahead with a goal for each week. This doesn’t need to be as extensive or strict as the school year practice schedule. Though, keeping up with at least fifteen minutes a day or two hours a week will really make a difference.

Along with having time and schedule goals, making repertoire or musical goals can help as well. Choose a piece you’ve worked on in lessons to continue practicing over the summer. Play one old piece each session. Find a piece you wouldn’t get to work on in your lessons and learn it on your own. Start on a big project piece that you can keep working on when lessons resume! As I’ve gotten on in my professional career, I’ve realized that summer is the perfect opportunity to start on big works that I’ve always wanted to prepare and don’t have the time to invest in during the academic year. Make your practice sessions a treat to yourself by playing things that you enjoy! Whatever will get you to play your instrument is what you should work on during breaks.

Though this might not appeal to all, it’s worth considering: take some summer lessons! These could be weekly or biweekly, or even shorter than normal lessons (think 30 minutes instead of a full hour). I’ve written a post before on all the benefits of summer lessons—check it out for all the good stuff they can provide!

What do you do if you are traveling or unable to play your instrument for long stretches of time? There are quite a few things to try here! Number one is listening to the pieces you’re working on. Many of us learn aurally and listening to the music we are preparing can help us organize it in our heads. Finger through those difficult passages while sitting in the car or on a plane. Take your music with you and look at it while you listen. Do some analysis! I know older students can benefit a lot in the music theory department when applying it to music they have a stake in. Engage with your music in ways you ordinarily wouldn’t—you might be surprised by how much this helps when you come back to your instrument!

Happy summer, and best of luck to all of you as you pursue your break time adventures. Make sure to take care of yourself, rest, and recover! Cheers!

—Charissa Garrigus, Instructor at Vibe Music Academy