In a world where online lessons and rote instrumental programs abound, there is no shortage of ways to learn to play music. But why do so many students stop playing their instrument when they're done with lessons? What's missing in music education?
At Vibe, we've learned that the more ways our students experience music, the deeper they connect with it, and the more often they reach their potential as musicians. That's why our academy offers a multitude of diverse, exciting ways for our students to engage in music.
The performers at the first Vibe Recital Soiree. Casual, enjoyable performance experiences are one of the aspects that set Vibe Music Academy apart.
Here are a few of the ways that our students get the full experience of music here at Vibe:
performing Frequently
Though practice makes perfect, at Vibe we believe the richest musical experiences take place on the bandstand, not in a class or a practice room. Our curriculums are designed around helping students foster a love of performing and to be great at it.
Writing music
There are few musical accomplishments more fulfilling and educational than experiencing your own music performed. Our students are encouraged and assisted in the process of composing and arranging the music that comes from their own heads.
Teachers who care about you
We believe that the best music teachers are friends and mentors to their students. Our professional music teachers are the best in the business because they value people above all else.