Musical Keys to Practicing Success: Get the Most Bang For Your Buck!

Get The Most Bang For Your Buck… Before The Lesson

Your organization and preparation makes all the difference! It will help you use lesson time efficiently, and it will get you focused! Try to practice a little and review notes before hand, and allow enough time to really get ready! Have a checklist. Gather instrument(s) and other materials before you leave, or before your instructor arrives (lesson note book, phone or tablet to record, pencil, music, music stand, and any equipment you need such as cleaning cloths, rosin, cables, shoulder rest, foot stool… whatever you need). Have one bag to keep everything together! This way you won’t forget anything, and you can use lesson time efficiently! Allow some extra time for this!

Get The Most Bang For Your Buck… At The Lesson

Have a notebook (I like three ring because I can add pages, staff paper, photocopies, etc.), and decide who will take notes (student, parent, or teacher). Make sure you have a clear idea of what happened during the lesson and what to work on when you go home. A list or a chart in addition to the notes is great! Use technology if you can! Bring a phone or a tablet and record examples of your teacher demonstrating or of yourself playing so that you can see it when you practice. Let your teacher advise you how this can be helpful!

Get The Most Bang For Your Buck… After The Lesson

Use a practice chart or journal (I like a chart that has enough room for me to write what I worked on and what still needs work), and use it for every practice. Base it on the notes/recordings from the lesson. Keep a separate list of listening you do during the week. Write down questions or list things you have worked on that you need help with. Bring these to your next lesson.

- Karine Stone, Music Instructor at Vibe Music Academy.